Together, Christ-centered

Embracing Community

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There's a group for everyone!

We were created to live in community. Our diverse groups are all about developing meaningful friendships as we do life together. It’s where we dig deeper into God’s Word and care for one another in love.

Where can you Serve?

God has given each of us spiritual gifts and calls us to use them to serve one another. There are so many exciting ways we can live out our faith together through serving. Prayerfully explore and discover your next serving role in your area of passion, gifting, and calling.
Start HERE

How are you called to Give?

We give generously in faith, as believers in one heart and mind. We give with glad and sincere hearts, to see lives transformed by the love of Christ. We give in thanksgiving to God who is powerfully at work in our community and all over the world.
Ways to Give