You can serve at Peoples!
Activate your love for God by serving and discover what Christ can do through you!
Opportunity Types
Time Commitments
Digital Content Specialist
- Global & Refugee Ministries
- Global Mission
- Media & Communications
- Communications
- flexible
- weekly
- Behind the Scenes
- Creating
Global Mission Prayer Team Member
- Global & Refugee Ministries
- Global Mission
- flexible
- weekly
- Caring and Praying
How do I apply to serve?
You can apply by:
- going on our website –
- visiting our Connection Centre after Sunday Services
- attending our We Serve Fairs on April 28, 2024 and May 5, 2024
How long does the application process takes?
The process can take anywhere between 3 weeks and longer depending on a variety of factors. These factors include the type of roles you have applied for, your availability to meet the Ministry Lead for a get-to-know-you session, how soon your references respond to us, and how fast you can complete the Plan to Protect training and police check.
What is the application process?
- Submit online application using the link provided on the website.
- Once you have submitted your application, you will receive a confirmation email with a link to schedule a Get-to-Know-You session with the Ministry Lead.
- Following the Get-to-Know-You session with a Ministry Lead, you will be asked to review and acknowledge The Peoples Church Statement of Faith and Lifestyle Covenant and provide two references. The references allow us to get to know you further.
- When the reference checks are completed, you will be invited to participate in our Plan to Protect training and complete a police check. This is part of our effort to ensure a welcoming and safe environment for guests, congregants, volunteers, and staff.
- Once you have completed the training and police check, you are now ready to serve with us!
**Please note for certain ministries, the application process may include additional steps.
I am new to The Peoples Church, how can I get connected and learn more about serving?
We’re so glad you’re here!! You are invited to get to know the church & ministries for a few months before you begin serving. We invite you to check out We Are Peoples to get to know us more. You may also want to introduce yourself to someone in the ministries where you want to serve, and get to know them.
I have more questions about serving, who can I contact?
Please visit us at the Connection Centre after Sunday Services or email