Global Mission Conference
Global Mission Conference
May 30 – June 13
Every year at this time, we come together for our annual Global Mission Conference – an intentional and inspiring time of seeking and listening for how God is calling us to be a part of His global mission.
This year, we will be gathering online for DNA 2021 –
See Differently.
We will be hearing from special guest speakers and our mission partners who are serving in communities all around the world, about what it means to see differently – to see Christ in the midst of challenging situations and in unexpected ways.
We will be joining in worship with our global church body and standing together in the power of prayer as we are inspired and challenged to see and know the hope of our calling as His holy people.
May 30 – June 13
Every year at this time, we come together for our annual Global Mission Conference – an intentional and inspiring time of seeking and listening for how God is calling us to be a part of His global mission.
This year, we will be gathering online for
DNA 2021 – See Differently.
We will be hearing from special guest speakers
and our mission partners serving in communities all around the world, about what it means to see differently – to see Christ in the midst of challenging situations and in unexpected ways.
We will be joining in worship with our global church body and standing together in the power of prayer as we are inspired and challenged to see and know the hope of our calling as His holy people.