Business As Mission

Grow in your missional thinking, as you sharpen your leadership skills!

DATE: Every last Wednesday of the month
TIME: 7:30 – 9:00 AM OR 7:30 – 9:00 PM

About the Course

Business As Mission is designed to help transform people and communities: spiritually, economically, socially, and environmentally – for the glory of God – through viable and sustainable businesses which have biblical values, purpose, perspective, and impact. As Gospel-centered and globally engaged Christians serving in the market place, we will explore ways to bring about the redemptive purposes of God both in Canada and globally.

Business As Mission is about integrating the Great Commission with professional and business opportunities. This course is open to entrepreneurs, business professionals, leaders of organizations as well as individuals seeking employment or to start a redemptive business. This course will also gather individuals seeking to serve as business missionaries with a common cause to create, invest, and build businesses with kingdom impact.

We’re taking a break in July and August! Please join us in September.

If you have any questions or if you are interested in serving in the Business As Mission community, contact  Solange Belluz, Congregational Life Pastor.