
Media has taken an inordinately important place in our daily lives. We should be aware of the potential dangers of technology and media, we must also embrace the remarkable opportunities media provides for sharing the gospel when used correctly.

Our partners around the world are able to worship with us through our online Sunday gatherings, and our online Life Groups make it possible for those who are shut in to be included. Online training for Christian leaders in Latin America, discipleship lessons for refugees in Europe, Biblical family values television programming in the Middle East, and Biblical teachings via radio broadcasts in Iran, are only a few of the media projects we support around the world to share the gospel and disciple believers.

We know that online teaching and gatherings can only ever supplement in-person relationships in the church – media cannot replace relationship. However, media and caring relationships are a powerful combination for sharing the gospel and discipling believers in creative and accessible ways.

Explore our global mission partnerships dedicated to communication. As you learn about each ministry use the prayer points to stand with our partners in the power of prayer!

iran, central asia
Persian Discipleship & Media

TWR Canada


This ministry reaches out to the Persian-speaking world with the hope of the gospel and disciples believers through social and web media, Bible training conferences and a personal follow-up ministry, in the face of Christian persecution in Iran. They provide conferences for seekers and believers to grow in faith. House church leaders are mentored one-on-one, and provide direct follow-up for online contacts. They also produce and distribute audio content via the internet and SD cards.

Prayer Points

  • Believers and house church leaders who are arrested, threatened, and have their homes and livelihoods at risk
  • Recipients of Bibles to read and be transformed
  • Production of excellent material to grow healthy churches and leaders
  • Discouraged and isolated believers in Iran to connect and have hope restored
Quebec Radio & Online Ministry

Aujourd’hui l’Espoir (TWR Canada)

Eric & Annabelle Perron

Where less than one percent of the population are Christian, this ministry seeks to share the hope of Jesus in Quebec and across the French-speaking world through satellite, online and FM radio; TV; websites; and apps. They create and distribute original content and translate English materials to share the gospel and build up the evangelical community in Quebec. They connect callers via their toll-free “Hope Line” with local churches so pastors and volunteers can follow up with materials and personal conversations with new believers.

Prayer Points

  • Wisdom and clarity for translators and producers to make content ministering specifically for Quebecois culture
  • Staff and volunteers to join the team to help with the growing radio station
  • For more people to listen to the radio and give their lives to Jesus
Iran, Afghanistan, Tajikistan
Guidance for Persian Refugees


Panayiotis Keenan & Reza Jafari

This project is led by SAT-7 which is a wide-reaching network that supports Christians of the Middle East and North Africa by producing and broadcasting media: TV, video-on-demand, social media and more. Adding to their many excellent and widely-watched programs, this project is to create media for Persian-speaking people on the move to give them accurate information about refugee processes and Biblical hope for the journey.

Prayer Points

  • Isolated and persecuted believers in Iran, Afghanistan, and Tajikistan to be the light and fragrance of Christ
  • Teams behind and before the cameras to seek God’s guidance and protection
  • Programs to meet the spiritual hunger of viewers as basic freedoms and needs are challenged
Mission Learning Platform

Lausanne Movement Canada

Robert Cousins & Joel Zantingh

The Lausanne Movement is a global and historical organization with extensive valuable resources to enhance the church’s teaching and equipping for mission engagement. To make some of those resources more accessible, Lausanne Movement Canada is creating a video resource accessible to church communities, showcasing a diversity of ethnicities, genders, and ages that will inspire ordinary followers of Jesus to engage in God’s mission in their lives.

Prayer Points

  • Ripples of engagement in God’s mission, with fresh imagination across generations and cultures
  • Clarity for the outcomes God wants for faithfulness to the Great Commission together
  • Team of designers, videographers, hosts, churches to come together

Learn about how you can support our mission partnerships by exploring our Global Mission Portfolio and making a Faith Promise!

It has always been my ambition to preach the gospel where Christ was not known…

– Romans 15:20