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June 26, 2022
Jesus can help me choose patience
Week four, we will see the amazing reward that came to Simeon after he chose patience. Simeon waited year after year after year… soooooo many years waiting, and then he finally got to see Who he had been patiently waiting for—Jesus!
Be patient with each other
We all face moments where we’ll find it difficult to have patience. From waiting in line to get a seat at your favorite restaurant to sitting in construction traffic on your way to vacation, how can you have patience when you want to get a move on? We pray that kids will start with prayer and ask God for help. God can give us patience in any situation!
What can you do when you’re feeling impatient?
We can’t escape it. Waiting is just a part of life. How we wait can show others how much we trust God. Preteens will discover how they can respond to those moments in life when they need an extra dose of patience. We pray this lesson will help them realize how they can trust God while waiting.
In week four, we spend time discovering more about Proverbs 15:18. Waiting can be the worst! But something Solomon wrote in Proverbs can help us remember why patience is so important. A person with a bad temper stirs up conflict. But a person who is patient calms things down, (NIrV). When we have to wait, it’s important not to let impatience get the best of us. We can trust God to give us the strength to have patience and keep our cool.
June 19, 2022
Jesus can help me choose peace.
Week three, we get to hear about a woman named Abigail. She went above and beyond to do what she could do to choose peace, even though the people around her were not acting very peaceful. And, because she was quick to act, she created waves of peace that literally saved lives!
You can help others make peace.
Peace is often about helping stop an argument before it can escalate into something worse. Acting as a peacemaker between others will take time and energy, but God can give us the strength to help others make peace. Sometimes our outside perspective is what someone might need to see a peaceful solution. We want kids to know that with God’s help, they can make waves by helping others make peace.
What are some ways you can make peace?
As we help kids discover ways to make peace with or between their friends, we also want to be sure they are safe and have the help they need in various situations. We pray that through this story and the discussions that follow, kids will see multiple ways they can play a part in helping others find a way to get along.
In week three, we jump back to 1 Samuel 25:1-35, where we find a story about a woman named Abigail that starts with King David. He was furious with a man named Nabal, who mistreated his soldiers. David decided to get revenge until the man’s wife, Abigail, used her peacemaking skills and stopped something that could have been horrible. Even though she was not responsible for her husband’s offense, she realized she could play a role in making peace.
June 12, 2022
Jesus can help me choose joy.
Week two, Paul and Silas will show us what it looks like to choose joy even in the middle of a not so joyful situation. When others would have been downcast and hopeless, they chose to sing and praise God! And, their joy made some pretty big waves—so big that we’re still talking about their story today!
Choose joy no matter what’s going on.
From not making the team to struggling in a class at school, kids of all ages struggle with what it means to have joy when life is hard. We pray they start to discover what God can do in them to help them choose joy.
What are things that bring you joy?
Preteens are starting to understand that being happy and having joy is different. They will get the chance to explore how they rely on God to help them experience joy; even life is hard.
Next, we head to Acts 5:17-42. When Jesus’ disciples started sharing about His death and resurrection with others, they faced all sorts of trouble. Thankfully, they had Jesus’ Holy Spirit to help them find joy.
June 5, 2022
Jesus can help me choose love.
We will kick off this month talking about love. Everything begins with how much God loves us. And, just how much does God love us? God loves us so much that He gave us His Son, Jesus, to be our friend forever. That’s a lot of love! And, it is that love that helps us love others.
Love others because God loves you.
God gave us the ultimate example of love when God sent Jesus to live a perfect life and die on the cross to make it possible for us to have a forever relationship with God. Kids will discover how God’s love for us can motivate us to show love to others.
How can you love others like God does?
This question is huge. We live in a world consumed by others loving to get something in return. But God loves us with no strings attached. We pray that preteens discover ways to share a love like that with the people in their lives.
We start our month in 1 John 4:9-13. John tells us exactly what real love looks like: God loved us enough to send Jesus to offer His life and make us complete. John goes on to say: Dear friends, since God loved us this much, we should also love one another, (NIrV). Love is at the heart of God’s plan for the world. We are close to the heart of Jesus when we show love to others.
May 29, 2022
God looked at everything He made. Then, He rested.
We will all be ready for a rest week five after a month filled with learning that God made everything. And, that’s what God did on day seven. God looked at all that He had made, and then He rested. It will be a wonderful time of looking back at everything God made and how it is all so, so good.
Keep going because of what Jesus did for you.
Knowing that Jesus persevered through His death and was resurrected is the best encouragement for us to keep going when life gets hard. When we focus on Jesus, we remember that nothing is impossible, and God will help us show resilience through whatever we face in life.
What can help you focus on Jesus?
It’s one thing to say you need to focus on Jesus, and it’s another thing to understand how you do that. With this question, we hope to help preteens figure out what it looks like to focus on Jesus when they need His help to show resilience. We can face anything when we know Jesus is with us.
We finish the month in Hebrews 12:1-3. Resilience might not be easy, but the author of Hebrews reminds us of something important: all sorts of people have gone before us. They give us an incredible example to follow of what it means to have resilience, even throughout the most challenging moments of life. We can focus our attention on Jesus. He is the ultimate example of someone who endured death itself to accomplish the rescue mission God set out for Him.
May 22, 2022
On day six, God made animals and people.
Week four, well, this week is super special because on day six, God made the animals and God made people! This means every time a preschooler goes to feed their dog or cat, they can know that God made them. And, every time they look in the mirror or see another person, they can know that God made them, too. God made everything, and this time, is was very good.
Trusting God can help you get back up.
It’s comforting to know that others have made it through to the other side of difficult times. When we see how God helped them, it helps us trust God more with our circumstances.
Who inspires you to get back up?
Starting can be easy. We often start projects, sports seasons, new endeavors with excitement. Yet when whatever we’re working on gets complicated, we wonder if we should throw in the towel and give up. But since the beginning, people have trusted God to help them not give up and overcome their difficulties. We want preteens to think about the people in their lives who’ve shown resilience and bounced back after hardships. These people can inspire us to keep going no matter what we face.
For week four, we spend time in Hebrews 11. The author of Hebrews reminds us that when life gets hard, we can look to the heroes of the faith and see how they trusted God through some tough circumstances. We use Abraham, Joseph, and Moses to help kids understand how to show resilience through difficult circumstances.
May 15, 2022
On day five, God made the birds and fish.
Week three, our preschoolers will be so excited as they get to hear about how God made the birds and fish. Your preschoolers will be flapping their wings and swimming like little fish at some point. Our hope is that as they go out into the world, every time they see a fish or a bird, they will know that God made everything, and it is good.
You can choose joy when life gets hard.
We will all face times when life is hard; how we respond to those situations matters. We may not be happy about what we face, but we can still trust that God can help us get through it. That can give us joy. And we hope that kids start to understand that when they choose joy, they can point others to Jesus.
What helps keep you going?
We have a better chance of showing resilience when we have a plan to help us. As we head into Small Group, we want preteens to think about how they find the motivation to keep going, even when they want to give up. Ultimately, we hope that kids realize that their hope in God can help give them the confidence they need to bounce back and face whatever comes their way.
In week three, we jump over to Acts 16:16-40 and find two more early followers of Jesus: Paul and Silas. After being arrested, they could have given up their calling to share Jesus’ love with others. However, they had resilience even in the middle of this challenging situation. They bounced back and decided to worship God, right there in jail! And when the time came, the Holy Spirit gave them the right words at the right time to help the jailer and his family start a relationship with Jesus.
May 8, 2022
On day three and four, God made the land, sea, sun, moon, and stars.
Week two, we will hear about how God made the land, plants, sea, sun, moon, and stars. Our preschoolers can look out at the stars and know that God made the stars! They can smell a flower and know that God made the flowers! God made everything, and it is good.
Keep going even when it gets tough.
Kids will face moments when they either want to give up or don’t know how to keep going. In those times, it’s essential to help them remember that God is always with them. God can give them the strength to have resilience and finish whatever task is before them. We pray they learn that they can trust God no matter what and keep going.
When have you decided to keep going?
The best way to create future success is to remind yourself of success in the past. The same is true of resilience. That’s why we kick off Small Group time with this question. We hope that kids remember the times when God gave them the strength they needed to bounce back and keep going. We pray they’ll do the same for whatever they face in the future.
Next, we head to Acts 3:1-4:21 with Peter and John and their unflinching moment of resilience. Peter and John were resilient even when arrested for sharing the message of Jesus. They wouldn’t let it get them down. They stood up to the religious leaders and never gave up on the mission from Jesus. They were willing to do whatever it took to get it done.
May 1, 2022
On days one and two, God made the light and dark and sky and water.
We will begin the month way back at the beginning, on days one and two of creation, when God made light, dark, sky and water. When darkness falls or our preschoolers look up to the sky, they can know that God made everything, and it is good.
God is always with you.
Kids are just beginning to learn that there are parts of life we have to do independently. From our school work to household chores to getting up to bat, it’s all on us to get it done. This realization can be overwhelming for anyone. Thankfully, we’re not on our own when it comes to resilience. God is always with us and can give us the drive to bounce back and keep going to finish what needs to be done.
When have you felt alone?
Discovering the stamina to show resilience can be difficult, especially when you feel like you’re on your own. We start a conversation with preteens about the times they’ve felt alone to help them realize that they’re never really alone: God is with them and can give them the strength needed to get through whatever they face.
April 24, 2022
Jesus wants to be our friend forever.
Week four, we learn about an awesome moment Jesus shared with His friends, the disciples. They were out in a boat fishing. Then, they looked out across the water and someone they had been missing. It was Jesus! They quickly went ashore and found Jesus cooking breakfast for them right there on the beach. Can you even imagine? They went from thinking they had lost their friend, Jesus, to eating breakfast with Him on a beach!
Whatever happens, remember God is bigger than your questions.
Questions are a normal part of growing up and following Jesus. We won’t always understand what we read in the Bible or why our life looks like it does. God wants us to be honest about our questions and doubts. You can create a safe environment where kids can process the questions they face. We pray that kids will understand that they can have hope knowing God will be with them through their questions.
What questions do you have for God?
The preteen years are often the first time kids will start to have questions about their faith. They may wonder if it’s ok to ask the questions, so we decided to use this as an opportunity to ask them about the questions they have. We want kids to understand that the church can be the safest place to ask hard questions about God or anything else. Help the preteens in your church start to unpack the questions they have for and about God. Offer suggestions for how they can find the answers.
We finish the month with a critical moment recorded in John 20:19-29. Although Thomas was one of Jesus’ disciples, He hadn’t yet seen Jesus face-to-face after the resurrection. When the rest of the disciples tried to tell him that Jesus was alive, Thomas couldn’t believe it. When Jesus showed up again, He went right over to Thomas and gave him a chance to touch the scars. Thomas knew once and for all that Jesus was alive!
April 17, 2022
Our friend, Jesus, is alive!
Week three, starts out sad, but it gets better…a whole lot better! We’re going to talk with our preschoolers about how angry people took Jesus away and hurt Him so badly that He died. But, three days later, Jesus did something that only He can do. Jesus came back, just like He said He would! Jesus is alive! That’s how Jesus can be our friend forever!
Whatever happens, remember Jesus is alive.
We know that Easter is more than egg hunts and chocolate bunnies. But for preteens, many are just starting to realize the full impact the truth of the resurrection can have on their lives. This week, we pray that kids will start to personalize Easter and discover the hope they can have because of Jesus.
What does Easter mean to you?
We’ll look at Easter through John’s perspective in John 18:1–20:18. As the disciples experienced the events of the crucifixion, from Jesus’ arrest in the garden to His death, they must have wondered if everything they shared with Jesus was all for nothing. But
that all changed when they discovered that Jesus was alive! Everything Jesus said about Himself was true. The disciples’ hope was building on the foundation of a risen Savior.
Bottom Line: Whatever happens, remember Jesus is alive. No matter what we face in life, we can hope because Jesus is stronger than sin and death. His resurrection is proof that God loves us and wants a forever relationship with us. We pray that kids celebrate Jesus and discover the hope we can have because Jesus is alive.
April 10, 2022
We celebrate our friend, Jesus.
Week two, it’s time to celebrate! Grab a palm leaf and wave it in the air as we learn about the time Jesus rode down the road on a donkey. The whole town was filled with excitement because they knew Jesus can do amazing things! And, the best part of the celebration is that Jesus wants to be our friends forever.
Whatever happens, remember God is still working.
Next, we head to an incredible moment John recorded in John 12:9-16. God’s people had waited for generations for God to send the Messiah. They were overwhelmed when Jesus made His triumphal entry into Jerusalem. God kept His promise. The mission to save the world was happening. Of course, this didn’t happen exactly how they expected, but God was still working and up to something bigger than they could ever imagine!
Bottom Line: Whatever happens, remember God is still working. Because God keeps His promises, we can trust Him no matter what. Still, kids will face moments in their life where they might wonder if God will come through for them. They’ll question if what they face is part of God’s plan. We want kids to understand that God is always working and will come through. It might not be as expected, but they can hope God will be with them through their situation.
What are you hoping for?
As we talk about hope all month, it’s only natural that kids will start thinking about their hopes. We pray that with this question and the conversation it sparks that the kids will consider how God can help them while they wait for those hopes to come true. We can trust God no matter what and hope that becomes real for kids this week.
Next, we head to an incredible moment John recorded in John 12:9-16. God’s people had waited for generations for God to send the Messiah. They were overwhelmed when Jesus made His triumphal entry into Jerusalem. God kept His promise. The mission to save the world was happening. Of course, this didn’t happen exactly how they expected, but God was still working and up to something bigger than they could ever imagine!
Bottom Line: Whatever happens, remember God is still working. Because God keeps His promises, we can trust Him no matter what. Still, kids will face moments in their life where they might wonder if God will come through for them. They’ll question if what they face is part of God’s plan. We want kids to understand that God is always working and will come through. It might not be as expected, but they can hope God will be with them through their situation.
April 3, 2022
Our friend, Jesus, is always with us.
We will begin, week one, with the amazing story of Jesus walking on water. One minute the disciples are terrified and the next they are exclaiming, “Jesus! You truly are the Son of God!” Jesus can do anything—like walk on water. So, if Jesus says He’ll always be with us, then Jesus will always be with us.
Whatever happens, remember how powerful God is.
We start the month with friends of Jesus who had lost all hope. John records an incredible moment that we find in John 11:1-45. When Lazarus died, Jesus used the opportunity to point people to God. Jesus was stronger than even death itself and raised Lazarus back to life four days after death.
Bottom Line: Whatever happens, remember how powerful God is. God can do amazing things in your life. We pray that kids will understand that when they face something difficult or hard to understand, they’ll find hope that God’s power can help us through whatever we face.
How do you react when bad things happen?
We can’t escape bad things happening in our lives. We will all face difficult moments in life, and we can respond to them in various ways. We want kids to identify the way they react in these moments and figure out a plan for finding hope, responding well, and trusting God no matter what is happening in their lives. We start the month with friends of Jesus who had lost all hope. John records an incredible moment that we find in John 11:1-45. When Lazarus died, Jesus used the opportunity to point people to God. Jesus was stronger than even death itself and raised Lazarus back to life four days after death.
Bottom Line: Whatever happens, remember how powerful God is. God can do amazing things in your life. We pray that kids will understand that when they face something difficult or hard to understand, they’ll find hope that God’s power can help us through whatever we face.
March 27, 2022
Jesus is a good friend to everyone.
Week four, we will end the month talking about a time when Jesus fed 5,000 hungry people after they had been listening to Him teach all day. What kind of friend does that? A good friend, that’s what kind. And that’s what Jesus is. Jesus is a good friend… to everyone.
Make a habit of working together.
We wrap up our study on cooperation in Acts 2:42-47. As people began putting their faith in Jesus, several needs started to arise. At the beginning of Acts, Luke offers some insight into how the early church shared what they had and worked together to help each other through the basic problems of life.
Bottom Line: Make a habit of working together. When we work together, many people will have a chance to see Jesus’ love in action. Accomplishing Jesus’ mission for the world is a HUGE undertaking. However, when we practice working together, we can help others and share how much God loves them.
How do you cooperate every day?
The preteen years are the perfect time for kids to explore their role in the church. We hope to give kids the chance to figure out how God has uniquely gifted them to help point their friends and family to Jesus.
We wrap up our study on cooperation in Acts 2:42-47. As people began putting their faith in Jesus, several needs started to arise. At the beginning of Acts, Luke offers some insight into how the early church shared what they had and worked together to help each other through the basic problems of life.
Bottom Line: Make a habit of working together. When we work together, many people will have a chance to see Jesus’ love in action. Accomplishing Jesus’ mission for the world is a HUGE undertaking. However, when we practice working together, we can help others and share how much God loves them.
March 20, 2022
Everyone can be friends with Jesus.
Week three, we get a look at all twelve of Jesus’ disciples. The ones He chose. Fishmen, tax collector, betrayer… Jesus knew them all—better than they knew themselves. He knew all of their mistakes —past, present and future, and He chose them. Jesus truly does love everyone, and He wants the world to know that everyone can be friends with Him. What better messengers to spread the Good News than this ragtag group of guys.
Work together to help someone in need.
Before you can meet someone’s need, you have to realize the need in the first place. We hope that our preteens become aware of the people around them. Once they see those needs, they can cooperate with friends and trusted adults to help meet them.
In week three, we head to a story found in Luke 5:17-26. We discover a paralyzed man who just happened to have some excellent friends. When they heard that Jesus was in town, they tried everything to get their friend to Jesus. When they arrived, the place was packed. Instead of giving up, the friends went to the roof and tore a hole big enough to drop their friend down right in front of Jesus. Jesus did something unbelievable because of their faith and cooperation.
Bottom Line: Work together to help someone in need. When we see others with needs that seem huge and overwhelming, we often think they’re too big for us to help and end up doing nothing. However, if we cooperate with others to meet those needs, we have a better chance of making a difference in their life and pointing them to God.
Who do you know who needs help?
Before you can meet someone’s need, you have to realize the need in the first place. We hope that our preteens become aware of the people around them. Once they see those needs, they can cooperate with friends and trusted adults to help meet them.
In week three, we head to a story found in Luke 5:17-26. We discover a paralyzed man who just happened to have some excellent friends. When they heard that Jesus was in town, they tried everything to get their friend to Jesus. When they arrived, the place was packed. Instead of giving up, the friends went to the roof and tore a hole big enough to drop their friend down right in front of Jesus. Jesus did something unbelievable because of their faith and cooperation.
March 13, 2022
Everyone can be friends with Jesus.
Week two, again, Jesus passes right by all of the expected friend choices, and He heads straight to Matthew, a friendless tax collector. Jesus walks right up to Matthew’s table and says, ‘Follow me.’ Matthew was probably still holding money in his hand, but he left it all and followed Jesus. One by one, Jesus was showing the world that everyone can be friends with Him, even those who have made bad choices.
Work together to help someone succeed.
For week two, we look at Exodus 17:8-13, at a time where Joshua is leading the Israelites in a fierce battle against the Amalekites. When Moses held up his staff, the Israelites were winning the battle. When Moses got tired, Aaron and Hur came to the rescue and helped hold up his arms. The Israelites won the battle because of how they all cooperated.
Bottom Line: Work together to help someone succeed. Like Hur and Aaron, our kids need to realize that working together isn’t just about doing something for themselves. You can work with people to help others accomplish something as well.
Who do you work well with?
A big part of cooperation is figuring out who you connect with can work together with. We want kids to start thinking about the people in their life they can partner with to help someone else succeed.
For week two, we look at Exodus 17:8-13, at a time where Joshua is leading the Israelites in a fierce battle against the Amalekites. When Moses held up his staff, the Israelites were winning the battle. When Moses got tired, Aaron and Hur came to the rescue and helped hold up his arms. The Israelites won the battle because of how they all cooperated.
Bottom Line: Work together to help someone succeed. Like Hur and Aaron, our kids need to realize that working together isn’t just about doing something for themselves. You can work with people to help others accomplish something as well.
March 6, 2022
Jesus says, “Follow Me.”
Week one, Jesus begins gathering those who would become His inner circle, His closest friends—the disciples. Jesus didn’t go to the religious leaders. He didn’t go to the kings. He went to…fishermen. I’m sure they were as shocked as anyone, which probably explains why they dropped their nets and followed so quickly.
God wants us to work together.
We kick off the month looking at how God’s people cooperated to build the sacred tent or tabernacle. We read throughout Exodus 28, 31, 35, and 39 how God chose people to work together. God could have had Moses build this on his own, but instead, God called expert artists and builders along with all kinds of people to work together to create this incredibly intentional place of worship.
Bottom Line: God wants us to work together. Sometimes we think it’d be better if we didn’t have to rely on anyone else to get a job done, but this isn’t how God created us. God created us for community, to work together and do more than we can do on our own. We hope that kids see the value in cooperation because cooperation starts with God.
When have you seen people work together?
Through school, sports, and activities, kids are learning how to work together. More often than not, they may not get to choose with whom they work. However, when kids think about seeing others work together, it can inspire them to work together with their peers. God has a plan for us to work with each other to do more than we could do on our own.
We kick off the month looking at how God’s people cooperated to build the sacred tent or tabernacle. We read throughout Exodus 28, 31, 35, and 39 how God chose people to work together. God could have had Moses build this on his own, but instead, God called expert artists and builders along with all kinds of people to work together to create this incredibly intentional place of worship.
Bottom Line: God wants us to work together. Sometimes we think it’d be better if we didn’t have to rely on anyone else to get a job done, but this isn’t how God created us. God created us for community, to work together and do more than we can do on our own. We hope that kids see the value in cooperation because cooperation starts with God.
February 27, 2022
We can love like Jesus.
We can love like Jesus. Then, we will wrap up the month with a truth that will change our lives, too. We can love everyone just like Jesus loves everyone. We can love the people who are different than us. We can love people who have made bad choices. We can love all of them because Jesus loves all of them.
Make time to help others.
In week four, we finish up in Mark 10:46-52 with an encounter between Jesus and Bartimaeus. Bartimaeus was blind. Because of this, he was often ignored by those who passed by him. When he learns that Jesus is passing by, he calls out for help. Rather than walking past and getting on with his day, Jesus takes time to stop and help Bartimaeus. Jesus knew that Bartimaeus had faith and healed him, changing his life forever.
Bottom Line: Make time to help others. We all know people who require some help and compassion. However, we don’t always prioritize those people in our lives. Jesus showed us that prioritizing others and making time for them is important for demonstrating His love. We pray that kids will have a chance to think about the ways they make time throughout their day to meet the needs of those around them.
When has someone made time for you?
To help preteens understand why making time for others is a great way to show them God’s compassion, we’re giving them a chance to think about the times someone has done this for them. When they remember how others have made them feel loved, they’ll be more likely to do the same for people they know.
In week four, we finish up in Mark 10:46-52 with an encounter between Jesus and Bartimaeus. Bartimaeus was blind. Because of this, he was often ignored by those who passed by him. When he learns that Jesus is passing by, he calls out for help. Rather than walking past and getting on with his day, Jesus takes time to stop and help Bartimaeus. Jesus knew that Bartimaeus had faith and healed him, changing his life forever.
Bottom Line: Make time to help others. We all know people who require some help and compassion. However, we don’t always prioritize those people in our lives. Jesus showed us that prioritizing others and making time for them is important for demonstrating His love. We pray that kids will have a chance to think about the ways they make time throughout their day to meet the needs of those around them.
February 20, 2022
Jesus loves people even when they do something wrong.
Story Focus: Jesus loves people even when they do something wrong. Week three, we will hear about the time Zacchaeus, the friendless tax collector, climbed down a tree to have dinner with Jesus at Jesus’ invitation. We will listen in as Zacchaeus learns that Jesus loves everyone even when they do something wrong.
Use what you have to help others.
This familiar story is found in John 6:1-13. People had been clamoring to see Jesus heal and perform miracles. Even has Jesus crossed over the Sea of Galilee, they followed him. When Jesus saw them, He didn’t ignore them or send them away. Instead, Jesus knew they were tired and hungry. He had compassion for them and decided to feed them. With no food in sight, a young boy offers his meal of bread and fish. Jesus takes what the boy has and feeds the multitude with leftovers!
Bottom Line: Use what you have to help others. Kids might think they’re too young to make a difference in how they treat others. This story reminds us that what we already have has the potential to help others and make a massive difference to them. We just have to be aware of others’ needs and be willing to give up what we have to help them. We pray that kids start to discover the easy ways to use what they have to show compassion.
What do you have that you can use to help others?
Key Question: What do you have that you can use to help others? While most kids know that they should help others, they might not always know how to help. We hope this question, paired with the boy’s story who shared his lunch with Jesus, will lead to some great discussion with kids. We hope that every kid starts to believe that they can show compassion with what they already have.
This familiar story is found in John 6:1-13. People had been clamoring to see Jesus heal and perform miracles. Even has Jesus crossed over the Sea of Galilee, they followed him. When Jesus saw them, He didn’t ignore them or send them away. Instead, Jesus knew they were tired and hungry. He had compassion for them and decided to feed them. With no food in sight, a young boy offers his meal of bread and fish. Jesus takes what the boy has and feeds the multitude with leftovers!
Bottom Line: Use what you have to help others. Kids might think they’re too young to make a difference in how they treat others. This story reminds us that what we already have has the potential to help others and make a massive difference to them. We just have to be aware of others’ needs and be willing to give up what we have to help them. We pray that kids start to discover the easy ways to use what they have to show compassion.
February 13, 2022
Jesus loves people everywhere.
Story Focus: Jesus loves people everywhere. Week two, we get to hear about a conversation Jesus had with a woman at a well. She was from a family that didn’t get along with Jesus’ family. That’s why she was surprised when Jesus talked to her, was kind to her, and offered to be her friend forever. Why did Jesus do that? Because Jesus loves everyone, everywhere—not just the people on His street that look and talk just like He does.
Show others that they matter.
In week two, we head to John 4:1-30, 39-42. Samaria was a region that the Jews in Jesus’ time tried to avoid. But rather than walking around this region, Jesus took His disciples straight through it and stopped at Jacob’s well. While He was there, a Samaritan woman came to the well. He spoke with her and completely changed how she understood the Messiah and what God was doing in the world. She left and spread the news about Jesus to the people she knew.
Bottom Line: Show others that they matter. When Jesus took the time to have a conversation with the Samaritan woman, He showed her that she mattered regardless of who she was or what she’d done. The truth is that we all matter and are valuable to God. When we care for others, include them, and spend time with them, we help them see how much they matter to God and us.
Who matters to you?
Key Question: Who matters to you? As we kick off Small Group time with this question, we imagine that kids will respond with people closest to them like relatives, friends, and meaningful adults in their life. However, we also hope that as the discussion continues, they’ll discover that there might be others who should matter to them too. All people matter to God, and they should matter to us too.
In week two, we head to John 4:1-30, 39-42. Samaria was a region that the Jews in Jesus’ time tried to avoid. But rather than walking around this region, Jesus took His disciples straight through it and stopped at Jacob’s well. While He was there, a Samaritan woman came to the well. He spoke with her and completely changed how she understood the Messiah and what God was doing in the world. She left and spread the news about Jesus to the people she knew.
Bottom Line: Show others that they matter. When Jesus took the time to have a conversation with the Samaritan woman, He showed her that she mattered regardless of who she was or what she’d done. The truth is that we all matter and are valuable to God. When we care for others, include them, and spend time with them, we help them see how much they matter to God and us.
February 6, 2022
Jesus loves everyone.
Story Focus: Jesus loves everyone. We begin with the story of the Banquet Parable. The king prepares for the party. The table is set. The food is ready. And the invitations go out to EVERYONE! And, if Jesus had a party, He would invite everyone, too! Jesus loves everyone, and everyone is invited to be His friend forever.
Following Jesus means caring about others.
We start with a crucial moment from Jesus’ life, found in Luke 4:14-24, 28-30. After Jesus returned from being tempted in the wilderness, He started teaching in the Synagogue. Soon Jesus traveled to Nazareth, where He grew up. Jesus went to the Synagogue, stood in front of the crowd, and read an important passage from Isaiah about the promised Messiah. Jesus says that He is the One sent to fulfill those things written in Isaiah: bringing freedom, healing, and hope to ALL people. Jesus let everyone know His purpose in life.
Bottom Line: Following Jesus means caring about others. Jesus showed us genuine compassion. Jesus knew God’s purpose for His life, and every interaction He had with others demonstrated that. As kids learn what it means to believe in Jesus and follow Him with their life, we pray that they will catch His purpose and decide to make a difference in the world by sharing God’s compassionate love with others.
What’s your purpose in life?
Key Question: What’s your purpose in life? By the time they’ve reached the preteen years, most kids have probably heard the question, “What do you want to
be when you grow up?” They might not have heard a question about their purpose. Purpose goes beyond one’s occupation to one’s motivation for getting up in the morning and fulfilling a role in life. As kids learn about Jesus’ purpose, mission, and life, we pray this will inspire kids to show His compassion as one of their life’s purposes.
We start with a crucial moment from Jesus’ life, found in Luke 4:14-24, 28-30. After Jesus returned from being tempted in the wilderness, He started teaching in the Synagogue. Soon Jesus traveled to Nazareth, where He grew up. Jesus went to the Synagogue, stood in front of the crowd, and read an important passage from Isaiah about the promised Messiah. Jesus says that He is the One sent to fulfill those things written in Isaiah: bringing freedom, healing, and hope to ALL people. Jesus let everyone know His purpose in life.
Bottom Line: Following Jesus means caring about others. Jesus showed us genuine compassion. Jesus knew God’s purpose for His life, and every interaction He had with others demonstrated that. As kids learn what it means to believe in Jesus and follow Him with their life, we pray that they will catch His purpose and decide to make a difference in the world by sharing God’s compassionate love with others.