Lifespring 55+

Your life and wisdom are God-given treasures to share through our Seniors Fellowship.

An Abundance of Life Experience

We have been blessed by God with an abundance of life experience and wisdom, and these are great treasures to share with one another and those around us.

If you are over 55 years of age and committed to actively serving God, you belong in our Seniors Fellowship here at Peoples. Please join us as we:

  • Exalt Jesus Christ through worship and praise
  • Edify believers by teaching, counselling and monthly programs
  • Energize believers to reach out into the community

Lifespring 55 Monthly Gathering

Join us for a time of worship, teaching, and fellowship! Cost is $12. Lunch will be provided.

Upcoming Gatherings:

Saturday, September 16


Phone Calls

More than 40 dedicated individuals from our fellowship make phone calls to senior members of the congregation each month. These calls allow us to keep in touch and offer prayer and support.

Please contact us to share your phone number if you would like to receive our calls.

At the Well

At the Well is a quarterly newsletter produced by our Lifespring 55 team to provide our members with spiritual resources, stories, activities, ministry updates, and much more! Download a copy of our most recent newsletter today.

Past Newsletters

Staying Connected Online

Our staff is committed to caring for you and creating ways for you to grow spiritually and gather regularly through our online resources:

Subscribe to Our Weekly Hello Church! Email Updates

Subscribe to HELLO CHURCH!

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