Global migration is one of the most powerful ways God has spread his gospel throughout history.
God is still at work in this movement of people, bringing new life to His people and to His church through migration.
At The Peoples Church we see God at work in global migration and eagerly join Him there. As we support migration ministries in countries around the world, we see unprecedented opportunity to share the gospel with people who are open and willing to hear about a God who welcomes them.
Here in Toronto, we are intentional about welcoming people well, and ensuring that they are integrated into the life of the Church. Our Newcomers Ministry and Refugee Welcome Ministry are our most vibrant outreach ministries. International students are coming to know Christ and becoming godly leaders here in Canada or back in their home countries. Refugees are finding hope and healing as they hear the gospel that was silenced in many of the countries from which they fled.
The majority of our baptisms in recent years have been people who had immigrated to Canada and heard the good news of Jesus. New Canadians are bringing new life to our church and communities!
Explore our global mission partnerships dedicated to migration. As you learn about each ministry use the prayer points to stand with our partners in the power of prayer!
Trauma Counselling & Resettlement
I Live Again Uganda (SIM)
Benson Ocen & Tricia deBoer
Restoring identity in Christ through trauma counseling, discipleship, and resettling victims of war. Two major areas of trauma are Ugandans affected by civil war and Sudanese and South Sudanese refugees in resettlement camps on the border. Forgiveness and reconciliation are central to this program. Counselling takes place with individuals, community, and by training pastors and other leaders.
Prayer Points
- Strength to meet increasing need of people seeking safety in Uganda
- Favour from the government to use their Christ-centered approach more widely
- God to bring down a troubling increase of exploitation of young women
Colombia & Venezuela
ReUnited Venezuelan Migrant Recovery
Fundación Doulos (Latin America Mission)
Daniel Bravo
Integrating at-risk migrant families, adolescents, and children displaced from Venezuela into the social, education and work life of host communities in Columbia. They partner with and train up local churches to commit to their communities and overcome xenophobic sentiments. Young people are discipled in the Lord and built up to overcome risks of violence. Integration programs include church leader training, sports & arts activities, community festivals, educational support, and skills training.
Prayer Points
- Children facing insecurity and isolation to encounter Jesus through the love from the Church
- Provision of a place to hold camps for young people
- Increase of gang violence in regions and funds to counteract with income generating and peace-building programs
Systems & Supporters for Refugees
International Association For Refugees Canada
Laura Dobrowolski & Rob Perry
IAFR’s mandate is to equip and engage the church to support the protection and integration of forcibly displaced peoples. Many churches want to engage in healthy ways with refugee ministries but lack the vision or knowledge to engage well. They engage the church locally and globally to collaborate in kingdom models of response to integrate the displaced as contributing members of healthy community.
Prayer Points
- God to equip and guide IAFR into the spaces where He wants to use them together with the church
- Prayer for IAFR’s partners in Uganda, Lebanon and Malawi
- The Church to be strategically engaged on the refugee highway and to reflect the love of Christ in the way we welcome refugees
Heal to Learn Curriculum Development
Beyond Borders
Andre Marotto
Since 2018, Beyond Borders has provided educational services through Christian teachers to asylum seekers on Lesvos, Greece, but saw a need for curriculum specifically for learners who have experienced the significant trauma of displacement, marginalization, and persecution. Trauma-informed and Biblically-themed materials are being created to facilitate learning, transformation, and healing of children and adults in the refugee camps and beyond.
Prayer Points
- Deep and whole healing of many though the implementation of the curricula
- Open borders for refugees to seek asylum in Greece and Europe
- Gospel to be shared widely as people are on the move
Newcomers Network
The Peoples Church
Nelson Chang
Newcomers Network is a diverse and welcoming community within The Peoples Church that seeks to provide Compassion, Connection, and Community for newcomers to Canada in their journey of life and faith. They offer practical support and programs to assist newcomers in their settlement & integration into Canadian society, as well as friendship & connection opportunities within a vibrant faith community for mental, emotional, and spiritual support. As God brings the world to Toronto and sometimes sends them back to their home countries, this is a global mission movement.
Prayer Points
- More volunteers to support the many events and services that are being offered
- For longer-time Canadians and Peoples Church family to embrace the richness and opportunity of newcomers
- Newcomers in their search for housing, language, friendship to also see their need for Jesus
Learn about how you can support our mission partnerships by exploring our Global Mission Portfolio and making a Faith Promise!
Global Mission Portfolio Faith PromiseThose who had been scattered preached the word wherever they went.
– Acts 8:4