For many years, we were considered a “missionary-sending” church, but sending missionaries was only one part of what God was leading us to do in sharing the love of Christ with every nation of our world. It would be much more accurate to say that God has called us to be a “missionary-mobilizing” church.
One of our mission partnership criteria is that the ministries we support are committed to developing and mobilizing leaders. Of our 216 supported missionaries, one third of them are indigenous leaders serving their own people in situations where local financial support is challenging.
These missionaries represent only a fraction of indigenous global leaders we help mobilize for mission through online training programs like TELL in Latin America; leadership conferences like Jossour in the Middle East; and missionary teams like Friends of Nepal. Our partners are always developing innovative and culturally sensitive training programs and ministry models to develop and deploy missionaries.
We also recognize and rejoice that God is sending missionaries to Canada, and we are blessed to welcome missionaries who come to us from around the world through diaspora migration. Working closely with our partners like Tyndale TIM Centre and Lausanne Canada, we seek to train and integrate these mission leaders into Canadian churches, or prepare them to be mobilized to global locations, sometimes returning as rebound missionaries to their home countries.
Our greatest mobilization in mission by far is within our own congregation, as each person commits to making their neighbourhood, school, and workplace a daily ministry for sharing the good news of Christ. The mobilization of missionaries in our neighbourhoods and around the world continues to be the primary commitment of our church as we engage in God’s global mission.
Explore our global mission partnerships dedicated to mobilization. As you learn about each ministry use the prayer points to stand with our partners in the power of prayer!
Studio of Innovative Leadership
Beginning of Life (Partners International)
Sergei Mihailov
Transforming mission by establishing local centers for community work and church planting. Christian leaders are launched in ministry and business to impact Eastern Europe and Central Asia with the gospel. BoL staff to the young people who met Jesus through BOL’s programs are equipped as ministry leaders, focusing on relevant issues like family dysfunction, trauma counselling, and vulnerable youth. Technology and media are used in progressive ways to conduct seminars and connect in relevant ways.
Prayer Points
- Continued holistic impact of ongoing SIL programs
- Inspiration and perseverance of the BoL staff
- Production of excellent material to grow healthy churches and leaders
- New leaders to persevere, serve generously, be inspired
Tribal Training Institute
Partners International
Reaching remote tribal peoples in India who are physically cut-off and socially cast-off, living marginalized lives of poverty. First-generation believers are discipled then sent back to their people and surrounding villages. Workers are bi-vocational and establish vibrant communities of faith. They open the doors to the gospel and improve people’s well-being with complimentary initiatives (e.g. Jesus Film, clean water projects, medical outreaches).
Prayer Points
- Effective witness of tribal missionaries in the face of persecution
- Courage for new believers who face anti-conversion laws
- Effective penetration of the gospel among unengaged and unreached people groups
- Creative ways to share the Bible with people who are preliterate
Partners International
Bengali pastoral couples trained in development and evangelism are sent to become indigenous agents of change in a community among unreached people groups. The husband and wife team establish relationships with Muslim and Hindu people and model the Christian family. They establish a church and develop community initiatives to improve the lives of people including pre-schools, income generating activities, hygiene programs, and Bible studies.
Prayer Points
- Protection of believers, especially those of Muslim backgrounds threatened by persecution
- Development of new preaching points and strengthening of existing churches
- Marriages of these pastor couples to be firmly rooted in the Lord
East Africa
East Africa Nomadic Outreach
Focused on the unreached people in a remote region of East Africa, where there are few believers, strong pressures to return to Islam, nomadic lifestyles making discipleship difficult, and prejudices against them. The goals are to share the gospel, establish systematic studies of God’s word, and heal rifts and mobilize evangelical churches to bless the tribal people. Leaders and pastors are trained. Creative storytelling materials are being created to improve literacy and make the Bible relatable.
Prayer Points
- Ethiopian churches to continue catching God’s passion for tribal people
- Amidst the humanitarian and political turmoil in the region, for God to bring peace and continue working through believers
- Unity and goal focus among the national organization as it grows
Canada & United States
Post-Secondary Missionary Mobilization
The Peoples Church
Different Students Annually
Believing that university and college campuses are a mission field and that graduating high school students are entering a defining stage of life, this program sends and equips post-secondary students as missionaries at their schools. Selected missionaries sign a covenant to live on mission for Jesus on their campuses, commit to an on-campus missional community, and receive monthly missionary care and training.
Prayer Points
- To be the hands and feet of Jesus in places that are sometimes hostile to faith
- For them and all young people to walk into all conversations with a “sent” mentality
- God to direct young adults as they discern future steps
Moccasin Lodge
Ji-gaabikwe Campeau
Fostering pathways, cultivating relationships, and journeying with Indigenous youth, families, and communities to empower, equip and engage them to rediscover their Creator-given identity and purpose utilizing a holistic Indigenous cultural framework. Spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically safe spaces are provided in ongoing programs including Tāpākōmitowin family gathering and Oskiskwewak (Young Women Helpers). They also build up and reconnect with kêhtê-ayawak (Old Ones) and Knowledge Keepers to learn from their wisdom.
Prayer Points
- Participants to step out in faith to learn about themselves and explore their Indigeneity in a healthy way
- Aunties and kêhtê-ayak to heal from their intergenerational trauma to guide next generations
- Build relationships with local Indigenous communities
Missions Hub
Missions Hub
Khevna Dave & Sharon Patire
Missions Hub in Toronto catalyzes partnerships among campus groups, mission agencies and churches for the glory of God and the good of the world, by creating spaces of community to inspire and disciple students and younger generations to engage in missions. Done via discipling students in healthy biblical understanding in mission, training and resources to prepare missionaries, connecting individuals, events and space for conversations and mentorship.
Prayer Points
- Help younger generations navigate misconceptions of mission and resource them in helpful ways
- Students to trust and follow God while discerning upcoming mission engagements
- Spaces of joyful community as prayer, learning, discipleship gatherings resume
Learn about how you can support our mission partnerships by exploring our Global Mission Portfolio and making a Faith Promise!
Global Mission Portfolio Faith PromiseAnd then Jesus told them, “Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone.”
– Mark 16:15