
Frequently Asked Questions

Photos and videos enable us to share the life, mission, and message of The Peoples Church. They are essential to how we share our stories and welcome people into Christ-centered community.

Contact Us

How are the photos and videos being used/shared?

We use our photos and videos in a variety of ways, both online and in-person. You’ll see them in our Sunday worship services, ministry programs, events, and promotional material. They are also shared on our online platforms, including our website, social media, and YouTube channel. Photos and videos are essential to how we share our stories and welcome people into Christ-centered community.

Who captures the photos and videos?

Our Media Team is a carefully selected group of staff and volunteers who are passionate about using their creative gifts and experience to serve with us! Everyone on our team goes through an interview and screening process.

I am interested in using my video/photography skills to serve with the church. How can I get started?

We’re thrilled that you are interested in serving with our Media Team! You can start by exploring our media serving opportunities here.

Once you sign up for a role, you’ll hear from our team about next steps.

What kind of photos and videos are being captured?

Our Media Team is tasked with taking photos that enable us to share the life, mission, and message of the church. With the church being the people, this includes our community experience on Sundays, as well as TPC events and programs that happen throughout our building/property, and off-site.

The event photos and videos we capture are generic in that we do not ask our team to take photos of specific people, other than those who are involved in leading. With our common areas being public spaces, we capture general moments of people engaging in community.

What about children?

When we welcome child(ren) for the first time on a Sunday, parents are asked to provide their media consent in the child’s registration form. If the parent indicates that they do not want their child in any photos or videos taken at the church, our TPC Kids Team will make note of this by adding a sticker to the child’s nametag each time they check-in.

To learn more about TPC Kids click here.

Who can I contact for further questions/concerns/feedback?

If you would like to connect with our team directly, you can send us an email at